The Poco a Poco Podcast

The Poco a Poco Podcast

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Join Fr. Innocent, Fr. Angelus and Fr. Mark-Mary, members of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, for their weekly podcast. The Poco a Poco Podcast offers "Practical Spirituality"; The friars break open the Gospel in light of their years of prayer, communal life, and work with the poor.

The Poco A Poco Podcast is a source of rest, encouragement, refreshment, and renewal for all pilgrims helping them to discern and make the next best step. Poco a Poco, little by little, step by step we're making our pilgrimage to the Father's house.

The Franciscan Friars of the Renewal are a Catholic religious order founded in the South Bronx, NY. You can learn more about the friars or subscribe to their mailing list at

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The Poco a Poco Podcast
  • Episode 205: Holy Week and Total Gift

    Series on The Ascension Lenten Companion by Fr. Mark Toups (Part 7)

    This holy week, how do you intend to receive Jesus' total gift for you?

    The fast during Lent is not to show Jesus how tough we are, it's to show him how poor we are. It's to be in the space of utter poverty and to trust that re...

  • Episode 204: The Rich Man and Lazarus (Lent 2024)

    Series on The Ascension Lenten Companion by Fr. Mark Toups (Part 5)

    Does it have to end in just being able to receive God's unconditional love?

    Like Lazarus, the guy beat up on the side of the road. We who have been loved in such messiness are also invited to go into the mess, and love. This is...

  • Episode 203: Resurrection and the Reproaches (Lent 2024)

    Series on The Ascension Lenten Companion by Fr. Mark Toups (Part 6)

    Our expectations and what God is doing can be totally different, so how should we respond to that?

    In the raising of Lazarus, the response of the Pharisees was to have Jesus killed. This was the tragic response of the heart whe...

  • Episode 202: The Prodigal Son (Lent 2024)

    Series on The Ascension Lenten Companion by Fr. Mark Toups (Part 4)

    If you were the prodigal son would you receive the Father's unconditional love?

    The conversion that the Father wants us to have is to move on from a conditional, perfectionistic way of experiencing God to a place of just being ...

  • Episode 201: The Good Samaritan (Lent 2024)

    Series on The Ascension Lenten Companion by Fr. Mark Toups (Part 3)

    Are you familiar with the parable of the Good Samaritan?

    When we're beat up, when we're in this place of difficulty and shame, He's there, at the side of the road looking at us, desiring to pick us up and saying, "Come with me....

  • Episode 200: Christ the Bridegroom (Lent 2024)

    Series on The Ascension Lenten Companion by Fr. Mark Toups (Part 2)

    How does a bridegroom love his bride?

    That is how Jesus loves each one of us. He meets us wherever we are in our life to be our beloved and for us to be His. The Lord meets us in the desert-our place of poverty where He betroth...

  • Episode 199: Lent is About Jesus (Ash Wednesday)

    Series on The Ascension Lenten Companion by Fr. Mark Toups (Part 1)

    What does Jesus desire for you and Him this Lent?

    The temptation during Lent is to make the Lenten journey about us, we can do hard things during Lent that are fueled by our own desires and distractions but Lent isn't supposed ...

  • Episode 198: Remember like Mary

    Series on "Mary and the Interior Life" by Fr. Jeremiah Shryock (Part 3)

    Do you remember Jesus and what he did?

    The most consistent word Mary had spoken to Fr. Jeremiah, was "remember". When we don't know what to do or how to act, Mary tells us to remember her son, Jesus' actions, that was the c...

  • Episode 197: Marian Posture

    Series on "Mary and the Interior Life" by Fr. Jeremiah Shryock (Part 2)

    Is your prayer and your life two separate realities?

    Mary gives us a ton of hope that the grace of God and the Holy Spirit meet us in reality.

    The Marian posture at the core of it is about the reality of the fullness of Go...

  • Episode 196: Mary: A Real Mom

    Series on "Mary and the Interior Life" by Fr. Jeremiah Shryock (Part 1)

    How important is Mary, Our Lady, in your spiritual life?

    Our Lady is a real woman, a real mother to all of us and Mary's intercession is actually more real than we realize.

    The gift of Our Lady is that she looks upon us, s...

  • Episode 195: Hope is Personal

    Do you actually believe and have hope that prayer does something?

    Doing things over and over again can lose the awe and wonder of what's going on in our prayer life. There can come a point when we're no longer coming to prayer expecting to hear God's voice or expecting anything at all.

    This res...

  • Episode 194: The Sweet Way of Love

    How much focused are you toward yourself?

    There can be times when we struggle with perfectionism, control, and activism, and this can sometimes rub off on our spiritual life.

    Jesus does not demand great actions from us; rather, the invitation is simply to live in surrender and gratitude to Him....

  • Episode 193: C'est la confiance

    Are you worried for 2024?

    Worry is a lack of confidence and we can be worried about a lot of stuff.

    The invitation from St. Therese and from our Lord is to have confidence in Him. We who run in the way of love shouldn't be thinking of suffering that can take place in the future. That's a lack o...

  • Episode 192: End of Year Identity Check

    What was Jesus like for you this year?

    As we end the year, let's do a poverty and identity check and put Jesus in the center as we look back to this past year and look forward to the coming year

    For this episode, a proposal to reflect on where Jesus have been, how He has been with you, how He l...

  • Episode 191: Little Like Mary

    Series on "Prepare Your Heart" by Fr. Agustino Torres, CFR. (Part 4)

    How often do you say Yes, without understanding or knowing the outcome?
    Sometimes we have to see and understand the plan before we say Yes, that's not our Lady's experience.

    She didn't understand but she knew what was proposed...

  • Episode 190: Good St. Joseph

    Series on "Prepare Your Heart" by Fr. Agustino Torres, CFR. (Part 3)

    What's the best thing you learned from St. Joseph?

    Advent teaches us that God has a different way of doing things and St. Joseph is an amazing example and witness of that.

    Throughout his life, St. Joseph should've had the opp...

  • Episode 189: God is Working

    Series on "Prepare Your Heart" by Fr. Agustino Torres, CFR. (Part 2)

    With what's currently happening in the world, can you believe that God is working??

    As exemplified by St. Juan Diego, during this Advent and throughout the year, we are invited to live in relationship with the Lord through Mar...

  • Episode 188: Learning from Nazareth (Advent 2023)

    Series on "Prepare Your Heart" by Fr. Agustino Torres, CFR. (Part 1)

    What does Nazareth look like for you and how does it compare to how you encounter Advent?

    Nazareth is a place where Jesus, Mary, and Joseph lived—a place of beauty, simplicity, and stillness. Meanwhile, Advent is a season of p...

  • Episode 187: Living Life not Checking Boxes

    What is driving your life? What's the reason you do what you do?

    Life can sometimes become a series of boxes to check-we can tend to do things because we should or we have to as opposed to actually living life and doing things because our hearts want to.

    What we are proposing in this episode is...

  • Episode 186: Guidance for the Prophet

    Have you encountered prophets in your life?

    Prophets are people who have a profound conviction and clarity about a
    particular component of the faith and those who practice it. Being a prophet is not about opinions, it is an experience or power that you have, given by God to be a prophetic witne...

  • Episode 185: Hunger for God

    Are you HUNGRY for God?

    One of the foundational struggles that we have is that we're just not hungry for Him.

    Part of the path, if not the path, is we're going to have to experience this hunger. A "stepping away" from the noise, distractions, and self-reliance and entering into a place of vulne...

  • Episode 184: (Contemplative) Gains Don't Sleep

    How can we live and create a space for contemplation, for silence, to be able to hear the voice of God in our lives?

    God is always there. He's always giving himself to us and always longing to speak to us, but living in the constant influx of noise and immediate gratification profoundly affects ...

  • Episode 183: Contemplative Spaces

    What stands in your way to go deeper with the Lord?

    We believe that growing in silence and our ability to contemplate is of supreme importance, but to actually respond to that is undoubtedly gonna be very very hard as well. So, how do we do this practically?

    Today, we're going to talk about how...

  • Episode 182: Receiving Mary's Hospitality

    Do you wonder about Mary's firsthand memory or experience of God?

    We can relive Mary's memory and experience of God through the rosary. Rosary is like experiencing God with Mary—in her heart, her hospitability.

    Mary is the most perfect Christian, the most perfect woman who's all about Jesus, an...