Venerable Jerome Lejeune: To the Least of These My Brothers & Sisters

Venerable Jerome Lejeune: To the Least of These My Brothers & Sisters

Venerable Jerome Lejeune, To the Least of These my Brothers & Sisters, documents the importance of French geneticist Jerome Lejeune's discovery of Trisomy 21, the chromosomal anomaly that results in Down Syndrome, and his lifelong defense of the dignity of the human person.

Venerable Jerome Lejeune: To the Least of These My Brothers & Sisters
  • Venerable Jerome Lejeune: To the Least of These My Brothers & Sisters

    Venerable Jerome Lejeune, To the Least of These my Brothers & Sisters, documents the importance of French geneticist Jerome Lejeune's discovery of Trisomy 21, the chromosomal anomaly that results in Down Syndrome, and his lifelong defense of the dignity of the human person.
